Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • DesiGuy
    09-12 05:52 AM
    yes, but u need lots of $$$ and TIME for a successful lawsuit.

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  • abracadabra
    07-06 01:32 PM
    When you come with such statement please give source? Yes giving source will help all of us, as you know we have enough frustration

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  • indio0617
    03-09 11:28 AM

    missed the last 5 mins... Work came up.

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  • nj_03_2004
    07-18 06:21 PM
    Defense bill pulled after troop drawdawn measure fails

    Immigration Amendments on War Bill Fall by Wayside


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  • 24fps
    02-08 11:23 PM

    after reading all this i think its best that i land up marrying an american/european girl , atleast they dont have all this inlaw/dowry crap going on

    and then i'll get my GC taken care off as well ;) :D

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  • buehler
    07-20 08:17 AM
    Actually it was lost by only 2 votes. Only 95 Senators voted and hence 57 votes would have been enough to carry it through. Really Sad. :(


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  • pappu
    06-10 01:49 PM
    The state chapters don't seem to be very effective.
    I thought I was a member of the CA chapter but in the last few months I received no information from anybody in this chapter.
    I was semi-active, meaning I helped with phone calls, money and prints and that's as much as I could do at this point in time.
    And at some point there was a discussion about a new user group of only the people that are active and can contribute and it seems they went through with it.
    I understand that some things might be better discussed in a smaller group with the people that can dedicate more time, but there are different levels of commitment and if you're not open and accept that some want to help but can't do as much as others, you're cutting yourself short.
    When there is a big initiative or a push for funds and effort, you're not even reaching out to the bigger group; you're relying on the same small number of people and they too have limited resources and energy and will get tired.

    Maybe I’m just having a bad day but that was my experience and CA is one of the most active chapters so maybe all is well I’m an isolated case.

    Sometimes chapter leaders are unable to communicate the message to members on time or must be busy for their own reasons. We will note your feedback for future. Thanks.

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  • abhisec
    07-15 03:59 PM
    sent $10 thru bill pay. Let's keep going!


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  • gc_kaavaali
    10-28 12:32 PM
    I sent an e-mail to Ombudsman.

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  • pmamp
    07-12 10:36 AM
    Where did you get your DL renewed? Which state? :confused:

    Hoosier land - Indiana.


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  • skv
    06-20 10:26 AM
    enough of america....:mad: :mad: :mad: I am moving to UAE.....two hrs journey to goa Income Tax:p :p :)

    I agree, UAE is great place for tax-free money and paid vacations upto 2 months in some cases. I've a british colleague who worked in UAE for 8 years, he says that there are lots of restrictions.

    Adage : America, a land of freedom and liberty. :-)

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  • return_to_india
    02-24 11:06 PM
    I don't know if anyone of you has ever gotten on a rush hour train in mumbai. But before leaving for the US, a wise man told me that going to the US is like getting on a train in Mumbai, it's a struggle to get in. You'll have to push, shove, maybe stand on the footboard for a while. But once you get in, hold on tight until you get to your station.....

    Phew.. I have traveled all three lines(searching for jobs/attending interviews - Early 90s it was not that bright for tech jobs). Still some people standing and reading news papers in that crowd.


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  • villamonte6100
    04-02 04:52 PM
    No you or D.E.D. do not deserve an apology for being numbskulls as you both have an agenda of fear mongering so that folks do not raise voices for legitimate reasons.

    You can do whatever you want to do, and nobody is preventing you. But nobody has the right to call anybody numbskull. That is really inappropriate.

    My comments are just comments and you can agree or disagree. But you cant just abuse somebody because you disagree with his opinion.

    But you, I guess you came from a very poor background or education. This is a forum for educated people only and I haven't insulted anyone here except you.

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  • a_yaja
    07-21 09:06 AM
    SPONSOR: Senate Amendment 2339 Sen Cornyn, John [TX],


    Sen Enzi, Michael B. [WY]
    Sen Gregg, Judd [NH]
    Sen Smith, Gordon H. [OR]
    Sen Sununu, John E. [NH]
    Sen Coleman, Norm [MN]
    Sen Voinovich, George V. [OH]

    Enzi - Yea
    Gregg - Yea
    Smith - Yea
    Sununu - Yea
    Coleman - Yea
    Voinovich - Nay

    Everyone who cosponsored the amendment voted for the amendment except for Voinovich. Wonder why he cosponsored the amendment if he did not vote for it.


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  • gcisadawg
    03-04 12:16 PM
    Doesnt seem like anything is cooking at TSC! I-140 and I-485 still shows

    "On Oct 1st 2007 we received....blah blah blah...."


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  • sundeep14
    07-11 10:51 AM
    i dont get it..why r folks so happy...i agree its current till 06..but that does not mean that people are goin to get green just means that till 06 whoever had not got a chance to apply for 485 can now apply...congrats to them...but i beleive there are not many people like that..


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  • laborchic
    10-15 12:43 PM
    Has anyone taken any lawyer opinion on this?

    I know vparam has done it. but has anyone else gone through same procedure..

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  • gctest
    09-13 09:59 PM
    july 07 filer yes.. but I have a PD of mid 2004... How in the name of almighty is that out of turn?

    but you are too stupid anyway
    so go home now..... and please don'y forget to pickup meds for your gonorrhea form csv pharmacy :D:D:D

    Are you July 07 filer who got the EAD out of turn? I bet you are.
    And if you are, keep your loud mouth shut! Before you pontificate, look at people and others like you who got in and created a mess!

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  • smc
    07-23 10:11 PM
    Congratulations, enjoy it!

    07-19 04:00 PM
    Yes, you can.Check with your attorney

    I have a question about a unique situation of getting stuck in BEC and applying 485 with a newer PERM case. If LC is stuck in BEC at this time, but the person has a new PERM+140 from a different location and applies 485. Can this person change the priority date of 485 when the old LC from BEC gets approved, and 140 approved, to the BEC PD?

    06-10 04:41 PM
    When do you think would EB2-I hit Feb 2005? Before this year end?

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