Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • ramus
    09-09 11:50 AM
    Thanks a lot.. Wish you could come to rally but understand your prior commitement...

    Thank you..

    Paypal contribution of $300. I cannot make it to the rally because of prior commitments. Thanks to all who are going to be at the rally in person.

    I feel good after making the contribution. Hopefully, several others will join this contribution drive and experience this good feeling first hand.

    Good luck to all.

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  • Osama Bin Laden#39;s Death

  • mbawa2574
    07-05 01:57 PM
    IV core leadership has to change and so is the stratergy. Current Lobbying efforts have clearly not worked out. I call for elections to elect the new core team. All these conference calls and inaction is just wastage of time and things are getting worse. We need an aggressive stratergy and may need to take names and hit people openly to get our agenda pushed. IV leadership clearly lacks these skills.

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  • 2% after in Laden#39;s death

  • yoda
    09-13 12:54 PM
    State coordinators and the team from states with a large immigrant population like the IL, MI, FL, GA, AZ.. Where art thou?

    Please remove some time to send the rally information to the important radio stations (Public Radio) and your state's/town's largest newspapers..

    We are on the final leg of our run folks, lets give it the final push!

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  • osama bin laden death photo.

  • purgan
    08-17 11:29 PM

    i support your efforts and have printed out and sent letters to the people mentioned. Momentum for release of information should build up even if we have 50-100 letters from affected people...otherwise people won't know of EB-3 IND's plight.

    I suppose we should followup with phone calls in 15 days to cement our request. We should have a poll on who all has sent the letter and made the call.


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  • mbawa2574
    09-16 07:49 AM
    For all those who have sent PM.... Please note I am not an attorney or accountant... But then I had consulted my account and few attorney's ( paid the required fees to get them answered)... So please use your own judgement/caution.

    1. Yes you can open a LLC singly or jointly with your wife/friend/anyone.

    2. You can start the LLC even when you are on H1B but it is better that you wait till you get your EAD to get oprationalized. reason very very conservative view is that you cannot even write a check for your company or deposit a check... but this is a very conservative view....

    3. To open a LLC you can use an accountant ( if you have one, it will be cheaper by a couple of hundred dollars) or use agencies like .... I have used both in the past....

    4. Intially you can just form LLC as single or joint partnership and then elect as S corporations for taxing.... I forget within which period it is to be done, if I correctly remember when you file your first tax return or within 6 months you need to elect as filing as single person entity( then it becomes like your personal income) or you could elect as S corp....

    5. You will a tax id for the LLC, business license and other documents when you form a LLC, You will need to maintain book and tax records for 3 years... best to have it managed by an accountant

    6. You/ your spouse can work for your LLC.... Some of you if you want to after 180 days change employers can move into your LLC and maintain that you are employed in same occupational duties for your own LLC...

    Hope I have been able to answer your questions....:cool:

    This was excellent.

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  • Bin laden dead 2011,in laden

  • spicy_guy
    08-13 10:22 AM
    My suggestion for everyone reading this is - do not send this information to your Company or HR department. They could ask us to table this additional cost. I work for Accenture so I hope that this does not apply to my employer with less than 50% employees on visa. But I'm not going to write to them asking about this because they may turn around asking us to eat this new cost.

    How about you? Has anyone contacted their employer already? What are they saying?

    Most of the Indian companies (TCS, Wipro, Infy, etc) have more than 50% H1Bs, I believe.


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  • video,,Osama Bin Laden death

  • coopheal
    07-05 01:41 PM
    I contacted WI senators office and told about the visa bulletin changes.
    Also called WPR to highlight the injustice done to legal immigrants by changing the visa bulletin on the day USCIS was supposed accept the I-485.

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  • Osama bin laden body,in laden

  • santb1975
    06-14 05:15 PM


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  • chanduv23
    05-18 03:59 PM
    Hi ind_game, attorney and all readers,

    After reading ind_game last quote "God save AC21.....". I have following questions:

    1. Do you know any one (your friend, client) used AC21 and faced same problem? Es
    2. Is it true that AC-21 info don't get updated in the USCIS records?
    3. If yes (2 question), then x-employer I-140 revocation will ALWAYS result in THIS kind of problems (as ind-game is facing)?
    4. To attorneys only: Is AC-21 really helpful or misleading? Asking because if it don't update in USCIS records.

    Please reply.


    Almost everyone who use AC21 and had their ex employer informing USCIS about the job change has gone through this.

    There is no case of AC21 being denied. It is the law, no need to be scared if you did everything right.

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  • addsf345
    11-12 02:07 PM
    Found some interesting explanation about New interpretations on section 245(k). This has 180 days tolerance even if you continue work without legal status when in confusion, like the one you asked for.


    "The Memo also contemplates the applicability of Section 245(k) with respect to a second adjustment of status application. For example, an alien filed Form I-485 while in H-1B status, the H-1B status expired and the H-1B status was not renewed because of the pending I-485 application and the EAD allowed the alien to remain in the US and continue working. Suppose this I-485 application is denied, and the alien finds that he or she is out status.

    If the adjustment application was denied within 180 days of the expiration of the underlying H-1B status, it may be possible for this alien to file a new adjustment of status application under Section 245(k) claiming that the violation was for less than 180 days."

    I don't know what happens to EAD when 485 is denied (some says it remains valid) but looks like you get 180 days to fight using an MTR.

    Gurus, please disect this if what I understood is true?

    found answer on Ron Gotcher's website: ONE CAN CONTUNUE WORKING ON EAD ( according to this post.


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  • srikondoji
    08-02 03:42 PM
    I have talked to a representative and he very patiently explained me about the mess.
    He clearly and very clearly told me that they have a deadline to send all receipts for June end and July 2nd filers by friday (tomorrow) or worst case monday.

    He mentioned that they are working hard to meet this deadline.
    Hope this clears the anxiety.

    This is true for NSC only.

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  • Post image for Osama Bin Laden

  • mantric
    06-25 05:13 AM
    buddy you're the one sounding the most desparate here.

    if all you wanted was a large tv, car, house you could have it anywhere in the world. is that all you came to America for ? is that why you walked the line for years ? if you just wanted a laid back existence you could forget the gc and relax in Tanzania. i think you just desperately want to believe you already have it all. good for you. but then why so perturbed if someone disturbs your illusions... no ... your reality ?

    people come to America out of a hunger for limitless opportunities.
    many people rightly feel they could do give back much more to this country if they had their freedom. sorry if you're not one of them. after you get your gc you might just vegetate for the rest of your life with the material comforts you've gathered.

    do you have any idea how many companies are started by immigrants ? how many jobs created ? how many dollars are raised ? how many high risk startups are fuelled by immigrants ? here's a clue -
    oh just half a trillion dollars and just a quarter million jobs.

    would Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs have been able to even get a eb-xyz GC based on their qualifications ? none of them they would qualify even for eb3 - none of them even have college degrees. so much for this eb3/eb2 nonsense. btw the last two are sons of immigrants. maybe the bureucracy here labels you eb1/eb2/eb3 for its convenince - it'll be sad if we actually start believing it - not just for us but for america and the world. the USCIS bureacracy is NOT what defines america. in fact most americans themselves think it's one of the worst run govt organizations.

    the biggest irony of course is that what actually defines america is in in fact ... immigration! a breaking away from the mold of artificial bureaucratic limitations of the old world.

    but as they say - be careful what you wish for - that may be exactly what you get.

    to the original poster: your question is unnecessarily posed in the negative. a better question would be, what does American gain from recent immigration ? a hint. the answer is not mortgages or uscis receipt fees.

    Peace out!!!


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  • 9years
    10-22 08:03 AM
    our attorney did not port yet. He will (if not automatically ported ) now. I am not sure how one should do, we will port after I-140 approval. I-140 approval time, I am not sure 2 days - 4 months. In my case it took 2 days (premium processing).

    Hope it helps.

    Thank you.

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  • pappu
    06-04 02:11 PM
    It is really tricky to come up with a deadline for EB employment. US is set of laws and the law is same for every one it applies. for example:If you not from a retrogressed country you will get your GC even if you start now (before enactment of this bill).
    Please know the difference between bill and law. If ever this particular bill becomes law the deadline for any cases filed under previous law will not be rejected, this is as clear as mud, to make the law same for all who applied/pending /approved on the day of enactment!!.:eek:
    You can refer to other lawyer's interpretations of the bill and also ask your own lawyer for more information and to better understand the harm this bill does to us.


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  • Pia
    07-19 11:46 AM
    Hi All!

    I live in LA and would love to be a part of the SoCal community.

    I'm waiting to apply for the I485. I heard from my attorney second week of June that USCIS has expedited the process and we need to file by end of July. I got my medical done in a rush and then we hear they're not going to accept applications. Any idea how long the medical remains valid?


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  • reddymjm
    07-11 08:09 AM
    little more than 2 yrs

    My guess is that they moved the dates so that any one missed the train in jul 2007 will be able to file 485 and/or add spouses to the existing applications. Looks like it will remain there for some time atleast, may be till the year end.

    NJOY Eb2 guys.


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  • santb1975
    05-29 09:42 PM

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  • Pineapple
    07-06 12:57 AM
    Excellent... the ball starts rolling.. Nobody knows where it will end up, but we are in for a ride.
    Fasten your belts, and always keep your hands inside the carriage.

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  • navkap
    07-15 11:19 PM
    Count me in ---- I am in southern CA (in beautiful Los Angeles Area)

    07-05 01:59 PM
    Good job pcs !!

    I'll take my family to the congressman's office and the documents that you suggested. We can not sit quiet now!

    Just please let me know. WSJ news article & Congresswoman's letter adds a lot of muscle in your argument when you meet them

    Some can use following letter to email / fax.............................

    Hi ,

    This is not a regular mail.. I on behalf of many others need the support of honest media persons like you, else our faith in American media will be gone for good....

    pl. read on...

    Illegal action by USCIS causes $ 300 million loss in a single day to Legal & Skilled Immigrants ( Doctors, Engineers & Scientists ) not counting the hardships.

    Skilled immigrants like Doctors, Engineers & Scientists have been paying all the taxes, following all the laws of the land and have been stuck in huge wait period of 3- 7 years to obtain green card.

    On 13th of June 07, USCIS announced that all these people stuck for years can apply for the green card starting 2nd July 07. Everyone spent 2 weeks & $3000 per person at the minimum towards Attorney fees, medical tests & other unsalvageable direct costs prepared the application and started to send it to USCIS starting 2nd July 07.

    In an unusual act of absolute disregard to the hardships and financial loss of these applicants, USCIS announced on the morning of 2nd July 07 that they will not accept any application for green card.


    If nobody takes an action to support law abiding legal immigrants at this time, everyone talking about supporting the laws of the land on immigration issue needs to look into his / her own eyes in the mirror.

    What we demand �. Talk to USCIS & encourage them to ATLEAST accept the applications sent by these innocent Skilled Immigrants so that they do not suffer at least the financial loss. USCIS can take their own time to award the green card at a later date

    ARE WE ASKING FOR TOO MUCH ???????????????????

    04-30 02:31 PM
    Is there audio?

    No audio. Just deafening silence (deafening because of high level of background noise). I thought they aren't saying anything.

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