Friday, June 24, 2011

selena gomez 2011_27

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  • gc_chahiye
    07-20 06:37 PM
    July filers SCREAMED for the right to simultaneously file after the government realized they had to reneg on their bulletin precisely because they could NOT cope with these numbers. AILA screamed that it had to do it or they would sue.

    Well it's done. Happy now?

    I remember talking of how the all current bulletin was a big mistake in the first place because of the jam it would create and i was shot down for suggesting such a thing.

    And now the massive backlog is the result.

    You can't have your cake and eat it too.

    No sooner do some get the right to file for EAD than they are bitching about how long it will take to get it.

    I urge you to show some patience. Receipting alone is taking monumental amounts of time. So chill, focus on other things and enjoy whatever privileges you have.

    Rampant speculation built on figures from people like Mathew Oh and assumptions about how and when resources are allocated to EAD processing are just one assumption built upon another. They do nothing but terrify people.

    It's hard waiting. I came here in 2000. Still I wait. Almost 8 years now. And I hate it. But make no mistake about it. We are, for now at least, guests in this country and we have all, almost without exception, learned early in this process that there would be many frustrating delays.

    One thing people forget is that the USCIS is WHOLLY self funded. This pre-fee-raise deluge just knocked 250 million out of the operating budget. And we wanted it that way. Now, sadly, we'll need to show some patience.

    Perhaps with a little luck, they will again introduce interim EADs from local SA offices. Keep your fingers crossed.

    thats one way to look at it. The other way to see this is that:

    - given enough people making noise its possible to get DOS/USCIS to make changes and fix things. this has now been proven.

    -there is a lot more visibility for EB related issues now, so much better chance of recapture or exemption for spouses from VB calculations etc.

    - instead of focus being on filing 485 without visa numbers (which is what IV focussed on for a while) everyone will now focus right at the root of the problem. All 500K are now focussed on solving the main issue.

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  • ramprabhum
    09-11 11:36 AM
    Google Order #914332314457943

    I have contributed $200 for the Sept 18th DC Rally. Wish you all the very best and have a great success.

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  • Atlanta Ga Snow Storm 2011. 27

  • ca_immigrant
    06-11 08:46 PM
    Just eat mangoes and have fun! GC doesnt taste half as good as Indian mangoes.

    ek dozen kitne mein girega mere bhai ?

    how much for a dozen my :D

    If I buy mangoes from you, can you get me a green card ?

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  • 2011 27 of 31.

  • laborchic
    05-06 11:55 AM
    Called first 7 from the list

    Brown, Gregg, Lugar, Enzi, Graham, Hatch Cornyn, Kyl

    Will try to get to the rest of them later in the day.


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  • immig4me
    05-04 08:57 AM
    This campaign starts at 4:00 PM EST on 29th April, 2010 and will run until the end of next week. We request all IV members to call the Senate offices listed below between 9:00 AM EST and 5:00 PM EST.

    So, this Campaign runs for another 3 days, IV members need to pick up the phones and start calling. Remember, if no bill is put forth before the end of May, it will be legislatively impossible to take CIR this year.

    It all boils down to, how much are we willing to help our own cause.

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  • julia gillard 2011. 27 April

  • pappu
    09-13 04:42 PM

    Thank you very much


    selena gomez 2011_27. May 3rd, 2011 27 Views Post by
  • May 3rd, 2011 27 Views Post by

  • ggyro
    07-20 06:30 PM
    Apparently, a similar attempt was made to attach it to HR 2669. The defense bill and ammendment in the defense bill stand (to the best of my knowledge)

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  • GayatriS
    01-05 10:34 PM
    So are you judging all of India's education by the IIT's? I didn't graduate from IIT and so didn't 99.9% of Indian IT people.

    I can tell you for a fact that Universities in America are much better than those in India. This is why I came here and I went to an average university here which I could afford.

    What Professor-ji said in the video was that Indians were successful DESPITE the poor education they received in India. India is becoming a world superpower in research and development DESPITE this. I believe this is true. Indians know how to compete and will be world leaders because they work hard and think smart.

    Lets not fool ourselves at least!! We need to learn to accept the truth.


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  • globes 2011. 27 of 29.

  • satyasaich
    07-15 11:31 PM
    Dear friends
    "Drop and Drop makes an Ocean"

    I pledged earlier that i will send another $50 today if the total reaches $2000.
    Here is the deal: Just add another $100 and i will make it to $2000.
    Still we have time for today. Any takers ????
    I'm not a high salary guy nor an $100/hour consultant. I'm just like so many of you, need to support the family as well.But just consider the selfless efforts of IV for all of us. please try to contribute as much as you can, of course this is just a request only.


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  • little_willy
    09-10 11:25 AM
    :mad:why did i get a red dot for this post? now i cant access the
    Just gave you green... chat away...


    selena gomez 2011_27. 2011 27 piece weave
  • 2011 27 piece weave

  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 05:42 PM
    Go to TOP

    Hey kevin can you please update your signature to reflect that you contributed towards this campaign and add the link to this thread to your signature.

    hot port style 2011. 27: selena gomez 2011_27. movies 2011. 27 Apr
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  • kamakya
    09-15 05:36 PM
    The thread started by an asshole like gctest should be deleted. This will divide our community


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  • hebbar77
    09-12 01:00 AM
    I wouldnt mind sending old bata slippers:D to beat themselves with

    sorry mate, in this country good/bad opinion is conveyed in a good looking manner.

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  • andy murray 2011. 27 May 2011.

  • qualified_trash
    01-03 04:22 PM
    I dont think one is necessarily doing kids a dis-service by electing to go back. On the contrary, kids experience tremendous personal growth through interaction with extended family which is not possible in a foreign land.
    I come from a nuclear family in India and see no reason why my kid cannot develop into a good citizen the way my parents made sure I did..........

    I learnt at a very young age that living with your cousins/uncles/aunts is not necessarily a guarantee of being close........ I am a lot closer to family I never lived with in the same city than I am to family who lived a few blocks from where we did.........

    It is all in how the parents mold the environment for their kids. if we as parents fail in our duty towards our kids, does not matter where you live, we will do a great disservice to society..........


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  • belmontboy
    02-08 08:27 PM
    Read his case fully. Her two sisters and brother are also in the US...She is not the sole bread winner.

    I have read. Have you read??:)

    Just in case if you still don't get. My response is to the original post by "Sufferer".
    You seem to have mixed "Orangutan"'s post with the original.

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  • more sharon stone 2011.

  • GCAmigo
    03-13 09:49 AM
    As much as I appreciate the efforts that the IV core team has put in, them being so secretive, it is almost like they have formed a cabal.

    I feel 'cabal' is too strong a word.. secrecy may be but I don't see any conspiracy here..



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  • hopefullegalimmigrant
    12-28 12:15 PM
    According to this

    many of us should have got AP by now. As usual a status does not match the fact.

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  • sandy2575
    08-11 07:30 PM
    I am July 2nd filer, Got finger print notice from NSC with notice dated 8/7.

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  • Week 04: 21 Jan 2011 — 27 Jan

  • kevinkris
    05-23 02:10 PM
    Subscription Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID #9AK05597S18798425)
    In reference to:S-472207269L710703U

    Original Transaction
    Date Type Status Details Amount
    May 23, 2008 Payment To Immigration Voice Completed ... -$50.00 USD

    Everyone subscribe... I was skeptic before just like you. But it's NOW or NEVER..
    YES WE CAN.. Go IV..

    04-02 01:37 PM
    Villamonte - the laws are such that USCIS cannot screw up much for ROW, especially if they are not in EB3. I hope you are not gloating much about your luck. However, you cannot extrapolate your fortune to say that USCIS is an efficient organization.

    However, the laws are such that USCIS does screw up a lot with EB2 & 3 for India and China. They have to play games of predicting visa number availability between two departments (DOS & USCIS). They completely screw up the FIFO for Indians and Chinese within Indian & Chinese applicants. Luckily the FBI namecheck nightmare is over which will restore some sanity. There are many people who have to wait for years due to USCIS inefficiency.

    I know an Indian case where PD was current and USCIS screwed up. He had to sue USCIS to get it fixed.

    D.E.D is such a numbskull retard that he doesn't understand these concepts. All he harps is that you cannot investigate USCIS and USCIS awards H1B. The greatness of American democracy is that even a foreigner can ask the courts to investigate the wrongs a govt organization has done to them. In fact most democracies around the world allow that.

    Besides USCIS does not award the H1B. It just follows the laws set forth by the congress and processes the H1B applications based on those laws.

    D.E.D. just go back to the cave where you came from.

    You are entitled to your opinion.

    07-06 03:43 PM
    You might be senior member than me, i may not post my comments more offenly, i just read what others are saying. Even i dont mean to disrespect you, and whatever i said below is not to offend you. I hope you understand

    I don't mean to disrespect you but I guess you are going too far with your words. [COLOR="Black"]We are with IV much before you born.[/COLOR...really core born in 1970's i cant beleive that]. ok so do not dare teach us what we should be doing, with your 49 posts there are many who had 200 to 300 posts but dont say a sensible word

    Now back to your comments. You seem to be lost in some dreamy world. What do you mean by just accept the application, so that you can save yourself from loosing money. Do you worry about your GC/EAD or saving your money. From your posts it look like you are more interested in getting your money back than the eligibility to file for EAD.
    this is not my agenda, and by the way am not asking USCIS to give back my money which i paid in fees, i have that much sense, if they dont accept my app then they dont draw my money. first read my post properly and then comment and am not living in any dream, when USCIS can do anything they can do this one too. and this is my opinion not IV's. I made that comment because many of them discouraging other by -ve talk

    I'm sure IV does not agree with you and that's not the IV goal. Focus is on to make USCIS accept what they promise and that is accepting the applications files on July for AOS.

    What you are trying to do is twist your own agenda of getting your money back by making it as an IV goal. It's not a bad thing to save money or asking the money back from USCIS, which you anyway going to get when they reject your application and send your check back. As far as attorney's fees are concerned, lot of attorney's are going to refile without any charge or for some additional meagre fees.
    Now the decision is yours, whether you want to get your money or you want the eligibility to file for EAD/GC/AP.

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