Saturday, June 25, 2011

animal farm napoleon and snowball

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  • mbawa2574
    07-07 07:47 PM
    Can Patton Boggs do better? Haven't we had more legislative success, I mean traction, when we partnered with Quinn Gillespie? Are we receiving sound advice on which of our grievances require legislative action and which ones can be redressed by a mere change in policy on the part of the executive? It looks like most of our current problems were not ushered in by any new law, but rather by a stroke of a pen in a memo by the incompetent and indifferent INS, USCIS, DOL and the State Department. No change in law was needed to make then deny us concurrent filing in Oct 2005 and allow it in July 2007. No change in law was required to deny us visa revalidation. One could argue that no change in law is required to belatedly use unused visas from the previous years. The list goes on. It should be easier to lobby a handful of buffoons in the executive branch with real power than 500+ buffoons on Capitol Hill. Has Patton Boggs served us well?

    We are hitting the wrong doors. We are not doing anything which gives us some visibility with media and politicians or administration. Time is running out guys

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  • sandy_77
    06-24 03:17 PM
    I suggest that you write at least two articles. First one should focus on our problems and costs involved at each stage for the current 5-7 years waiting period. A lot of guys out there against immigration do not currently know exactly how tuff it is these days to get a visa and come to US. Just imagine if somebody came to US on a student loan and was not able to get a job because of these visa problems as has started to happen over the last couple of years, how much financial burden he will have and how long it will take him to pay off these loans. explain how visa applicants are harassed buy the consulates, USCIS/DHS/DOS, lawyers, employers just because they can. Had everyone who came to US to study or work on his/her own merit been given a green card like visa as and when they wanted it, he/she would not be exploited, they would compete with any american citizen for a better pay (taking away the argument from the anti-immigrants that we are displacing the citizens by being underpaid). This I think would have taken away the argument that we are over populating the US or that we are immigrants for ever (not assimilating in the mainstream) because then we would be part of the mainstream and those who do not want to live in US forever (a significant number of people...leading to reduced immigration) could go back when they wanted. Look for all the problems we have to face on a day-to-day basis and ask whether we are asking more than some basic human rights and are we wrong in asking for these rights. Isn't it also one form of injustice when we are paying for medicare/social security without getting any benefits? Isn't it injustice when we cannot progress in our careers when we are stuck in this endless and ever increasing GC delays? Isn't it injustice when we are equated with the illegal immigrants? Isn't it injustice when we are asked to renew our status by paying ever increasing fees and endless documentation when there is no need unless one has left the country on his own and wishes to return? Does the country really need skilled immigrants and if it does why can't it allow them to live with some basic human rights and dignity. By denying the new immigrants these rights, dignity is the US promoting new-age slavery and forcing even the legal immigrants into shadows and back alleys of the society? Explore why some legal immigrants have to resort to illegal status (school going kids, family life, friends...age at which they migrate changes their social circle) when they cannot stay in status by legal means.

    Once you have explored and educated your article readers about our situation, they will have a better understanding of what we are requesting the US govt is lot illegitimate and may even encourage some illegal immigrants into going the legal way.

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  • Animal Farm | petersrdg1011#39;s

  • pbojja
    09-11 09:40 PM
    Sent the book...See changes in the original msg.


    The Honorable Emilio T. Gonzalez (Director)
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
    20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20529
    My Message:
    Hon. Mr. Gonzalez,
    I would like to register my protest with you for not following an orderly method when approving I-485 applications. In the last two months, while the priority dates were current for several applicants from India in the EB2 category, most applications with later priority dates and later receipt dates were approved by USICS, causing deep concern and grief among those waiting patiently in the line before them.
    This significantly reduces our confidence in the system. Thus, I am sending you this letter with a book as a symbol of protest and with the hope that USCIS will deal fairly with all the applicants as per the rules and regulations.
    My Name
    Note: On Amazon you must select gift option to add the message. No need to wrap it.

    Absolutely , Do you have the address and responsible person for DOL,NSC,TSC? I just want to modify the letter and want to seek each ones responsibilty.

    Lets get together folks and try to get some answers from DOL and USCIS , dont sit back and relax ..Its for every one ...lets get some thing kicked off

    Stop Worrying ...Stop Talking ...Start Doing ...

    Some may be worried to reveal identity ordering online ..lets buy 14 math books from local book store(or dollar store) and send 5 books to USCIS , 5 to DOL , 2 to TSC , 2 to NSC with name " GC aspirant from India or China" ...what do you guys think ? shall we kick this off this week end with differnt message to each one of them involved ?

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  • docp
    04-30 05:33 PM
    Hi , is there any place where the transcript can be seen. I can not access the video..


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  • h1techSlave
    05-01 09:48 AM
    I have some black dots in my Control Panel? What is the meaning of a black dot?

    And how does one give black dot to some one? When I try to add reputation to a post, I can only see I approve or I disapprove options. I would imagine I approve=green and I disapprove=red. Where does a black dot fit into this scheme?
    how do u know if someone gives u red?

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  • Animal Farm and 1984 - George

  • ashutrip
    06-19 08:24 AM
    NO , Atlanta handles all the traffic for East coast and South , whereas Chicao handles the traffic for the West and the Midwest .
    Anybody on forum...whose labor was certified off late!!:confused:


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  • skakodker
    02-25 12:53 PM
    It is easy and potentially justifiable to feel some frustration. As it relates to the green card, I am in a similar situation to most who visit and share their views on this board.

    I view the Universe and everything that is contained therein to be perfect - there can be no imperfections. I find comfort in that thought and focus my attention on the following:

    feeling grateful for all that I have; doing my work to the best of my ability; taking the risks I believe I should take; being resilient; enjoying my life more; being patient; caring more; comparing less

    This is merely a statement of my beliefs - this works for me. It is not intended to offend anyone nor is it a solution to anyone's woes.

    Good times, health, and happiness to all.

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  • Animal Farm

  • villamonte6100
    04-02 02:21 PM
    Fortunately the US justice system works for everybody. Thats the hallmark of this great country.

    Anybody can go to a court and seek justice if they feel they have been harmed or suffered losses even by a govt body.

    Ample evidence is available in court records for cases against USCIS by GC applicants for delays and errors. This not an opinion but a fact.

    In this country you just don't get screwed or get a cold shoulder for seeking justice within the written laws.

    Unfortunately numbskulls like villamonte and DED don't have a mental capacity to understand these concepts

    You don't need to be harsh on your comments. You can go ahead and file a case with USCIS. That's what I've been saying here all the time.

    Calling me a numbskull I think is inappropriate. You can disagree with me and I can disagree with you which is the essence of this forum but not to abuse each other.

    I didn't call you numbskull and I will never call anyone numbskull, so I guess you owe me an apology.


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  • mps
    07-20 06:25 PM
    You have to consider the scenario where both spouses have LC pending in PERM and BEC- and only one may have applied for 485. I'm just hoping people who have bought the LCs and tuned their work experience to suit available LC would be scrutinized strictly and would stay in I-140 stage longer.

    Out of the 144k perm, FEW have 2 labors (1 in eb3 and another in eb2). Also many have labors in BEC as well as PERM (THIS IS QUITE A LOT). So the total real applicants combined from BEC and PERM could be around 200k. Not all the dependants (kids) need EAD. Not all the primary applicants apply for EAD. The total approximate EAD applicants could be 350K.

    ALSO, ONE THING YOU HAVEN'T CONSIDERED...As the priority dates are unavailable until october and the expected slow movement of the 2008 bullettins(because they have the count of pending applicants now), there will be only very few EAD applicants in next few months. How ever, all these applicants will re-apply every year...they they can expect this same load until they provide a relief to issue visas to everybody.

    Note: Next year..expect the same delay for renewal.

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  • rajamanikannan
    09-10 06:15 PM
    I made my contribution today!


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  • Snowball seems to win the

  • Positive
    05-05 08:34 AM
    Thank you for all of you who made the calls.

    Calls are only the start. Remember, the other side is also doing the same -sometimes outsourcing calls.

    Remember we all spend hours in US consulates waiting for our turn. What is now stopping us to make a personal visit. Explaining your story in person is far more effective than a call or an email.

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  • pappu
    02-01 11:59 PM
    could someone take the initiative of organizing conference calls.


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  • to give #39;Animal Farm#39; a

  • santb1975
    06-06 10:06 AM
    Chanduv - Great to see you back here and rallying IV'ans

    Come on IV heros - you can do it. Lets push this thread on top

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  • pointlesswait
    03-03 06:08 PM
    can you be more specific on what ur "very influential" attorney said? ;)

    That is not true, my lawyer who is very influential and he has some good contacts he told me that this year spill-over would be different form last year. I was stupid so didn’t believe him about July 2007, and paying it for now for not having EAD.

    I know this is hard to believe especially if something comes from lawyer.



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  • seekerofpeace
    07-18 04:21 PM
    I have a question.
    If I485 is considered for adjudication only if the PD is current. Then why are we all filing in a hurry since everything will retrogressed by Aug 1st and the RD may take 1.5 to 3 months to come when surely everything will be retrogressed. Does that mean in that situation even EADs and APs will stop.

    My wife is on F1 and I am on EB2 (Jul 04), I am worried about her status. My lawyer said she can still continue as a student and that it is a grey area the school never comes to know that she is in transition...once she gets EAD ofcourse everything becomes fine.....But in the current situation that seems a distant possibility to get a RD let alone EADs. So should I just file for myself and let her stay as F1.

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  • Animal Farm- Napoleon

  • smc
    09-29 08:15 AM
    If this guy Emilio were the CEO of a company here, and if they wasted visa numbers in October after announcing in July that they had exhaused all of them, he would be fired almost immediately.

    I guess they think that they are not answerable to anyone, so they can get away with it.There is no one to question them.


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  • h1techSlave
    07-15 11:46 AM
    I am sending two High Fives - one from me and another from my wife.

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  • chisinau
    10-05 01:13 AM
    Maybe I am wrong , but I cannot see it on Thomas, among those which passed along with HR 1585. Check it out, and share your opinion.

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  • billu
    08-24 10:21 PM
    i had put up the previous two posts on this page asking about relief for Schedule A professionals in 2008......time has passed by but nothing has sight of any relief or any schedule A bill........missed the july 2007 fiasco due to employer insisting on 40 day cool off period........have been in US for 6 sign of EB3 india being even close to Oct 2007 (my PD)........employer has refused to file EB2 point other employer ready for EB2........spouse on h4 visa since oct. 2006......have lost all hope and just going through the there light at the end of tunnel???

    07-20 11:53 PM
    Any one recently re-financed or obtained a mortgage loan with Bank of America or Wells Fargo. Both the banks denied loan stating not having a valid visa as a reason, though I have approved EAD with 485 pending and I-140 approved. I have contacted the customer support, since the loan was through the mortgage broker. The underwrite appears to not accept EAD as a valid status and asking to provide a copy of visa to purse further. Any one have any specific docs / links that might help other than the ones in this thread.

    03-25 09:06 AM
    The link is there on the Right Hand side corner "Why Contribute" under which there is a Button "Contribute" . Just click on that and it will take you to the Payment page.
    Hope this helps
    Hi All,

    I'm new to immigration Voice. I've read abt this in immigration portal and understand that a group of people are leading this. I wish them all the best and i extend my full support. Also i heard that this group is collecting funds. Can someone please point me where would i contribute.


    SWA: Virginia
    SWA Receipt Date (Priority Date): October 31,2002
    EB2 - RIR
    Forwarded to Philadelphia Regional DOL on June 22, 2004
    BEC Case Number: P-04282-*****
    45 Day Letter Received and Replied : Feb 2005

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