Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • swede
    04-07 09:30 AM
    Wow. That must be a record...:eek: Maybe you should call Guiness World records, and claim the title "slowest Green Card process in history". ;)

    My PD Oct 2001. 45 letter received October 2005. No news at Apr.5 2006:o

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  • Bharam
    03-27 03:05 PM
    Still waiting for 45 day letter

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  • axp817
    07-18 09:28 PM
    I started off with a one time contribution many months ago, and then signed up for $20 monthly contributions.

    Today, when I saw the action item for the new funding drive and that the recurring contribution request had gone up to $50, I couldn't initially bring my stingy self to changing my contribution from $20 to $50.

    Then I asked myself, If I were offered a green card today, at an additional 'premium' fee (Besides the filing, attorney fees), how much would I be willing to pay? probably, $2, 3, 4, 5, or even upto $10000. That being the case why was I being a miser about spending $50 a month supporting a great organization like IV.

    With that thought, I immediately went ahead and signed up for the $50 a month contribution and cancelled my old $20 subscription on Paypal.

    I am single and don't have a family to support like most of you do, but this $50 a month will go a long way. We have seen IV get results. From what has gone on in the last few months, up until last night, we know that IV is the only organization that really works for our interest. Oh, Shusterman, ILW, Murthy might all be good attorneys but they don't push our interests like IV does.

    With that, I would request all of you to join hands and work with IV in bringing a revolutionary change to the employment immigration system.

    Thank you all, in advance.

    20,000 members of which at least 15,000 are real (not non-immigrant trolls).

    If all sign up for $50 a month, IV would generate $750,000 a month. That kind of money = serious lobbying efforts = we get our green cards well before it is time to retire

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  • ksrk
    09-10 05:57 PM
    Considering 7% country quota and 26.7% EB2 quota of 140k, we get 2800 visa for EB2 annually. For first month this number comes out to be 234. Considering 1.2 dependents this means 106 families get GC under EB2.

    I am sure they have more than 106 cases before the cutoff of 1 April 2003. This may also include people delayed by background checks.

    Hi Sachug22,
    I think the calculation is made this way...
    Total EB2 numbers = 28.6% of total number = 40040 (for all countries)
    Available each quarter = 10010
    However, per country allocation can't exceed 7% (of total number allowed per quarter, not of the 28.6%) - limits to 2450 <-- each for India and China.

    Applying 7% of 28.6% of one quarter of 140000 (as you did) is severely restrictive (not that 2450 is a great number per quarter for the first and second quaters of the fiscal year).
    Either way, your point might still hold that there are enough folks waiting (with PD prior to April '03) to account for these in October '08.

    [In the hope that some analysis like this might release the pressure set upon by the latest announcement...]


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  • sunny1000
    04-30 05:32 PM
    how do u know if someone gives u red?

    If you click on the userCP on the top left side on the forum page, you can see a bunch of reviews for your posts, if you have any (be it red or green dots with or without description). But, you won't know from who you received it though.

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  • SEP03NY
    08-12 04:05 PM
    One of my friend got receipt for I-140 and I-1485, He send on July 30th to Nebraska Service center. I have send on the 2nd July still waiting.



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  • champak3
    06-16 10:42 AM
    If you are stuck at Atlanta PERM backlog center , please email your case number and explain them that your application has been pending for a LONG time and request them to help us get out of this grave situation. Also, please post on this thread after you have sent an email so that others can be motivated to do the same. We need to send as many emails as possible to get any positive feedback. I know that DOL mentioned that they will start processing our applications soon, but we need to keep up the pressure from our end so that it has some positive effect.

    I know most of the people on this forum are not in this situation ..... but let's see how many can come out of this selfishness and help others by emailing / phoning DOL Atlanta to help other brothers who want to file AOS just like them...... When phone campaigns / email campaigns happen .... we who are stuck at Atlanta help others tooo... so let's see how many on this form help us now...

    Here is the info :
    email :
    Phone : 404-893-0101

    Champak (Same as 1 and 2)

    First there was celebration by Atlanta center people and BEC people when visa fiasco happened. They rejoiced that since they cannot file I485, others should not be able to do so too as if this is some divine justice. When this was not sick enough, threads started blaming IV not caring for its members. (BTW this thread is started by a member who is anonymous and has been a known heckler and has posted offensive messages about IV in the past). Then there are emails being sent.

    If you think spamming DOL and others with anonymous emails will help, you are wrong. I am seeing lots of emails from people with sender names like 'big_cat' , 'aabbccddeeffgg' etc etc talking about this 'huge injustice' and saying that Atlanta problem affecting 'millions of people' and that this is 'not what forefathers of America dreamt of'. Not even a single person wrote such emails with their name, address and phone number and a case number for someone to act on it. I hope highly skilled and intelligent people of this community use their intelligence when they write such emails. If you are so scared that you cannot even go and meet anyone, so scared that you cannot even write your name, address and phone number in your mail , do you think anyone will take you seriously? The emails core got from its members are also mostly anonymous and some went to the extent of telling core to only focus on Atlanta Perm because this is the 'real' issue.

    If IV core was to take such anonymity approach in our advocacy efforts, IV would have been just a spammer organization and nothing else.

    If you like to dwell in the shadows then just support IV and let us do our advocacy efforts. Or join an organization for illegals instead of Immigrationvoice. With our efforts and success 'everyone' will benefit. Have patience and faith.

    - Pappu


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  • test101
    07-06 05:46 PM
    Ok here I go again in this Chicken and Egg situation......

    Now that someone filed a lawsuit to invalidate the July VB, which BTW is still could invalidate the CURRENT sttatus....of all Eb categories....precisely what DOS USCIS wants....

    My head is spinning.......Beer anyone?

    join the make no sence at all.


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  • gc_kaavaali
    07-14 03:49 PM
    Bumpers...please bump this thread...this should be on top...

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  • eb3_nepa
    07-06 12:13 PM
    They are covering their STINKIN A**


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  • GayatriS
    01-08 05:18 PM
    For all the bad things you people have been saying about Professor-ji, you should read this great article he wrote for Businessweek.

    Business Week
    SEPTEMBER 14, 2006

    By Vivek Wadhwa

    Are Indians the Model Immigrants?

    A columnist and accomplished businessman, Wadhwa shares his views on why Indians are such a successful immigrant group

    They have funny accents, occasionally dress in strange outfits, and some wear turbans and grow beards, yet Indians have been able to overcome stereotypes to become the U.S.'s most successful immigrant group. Not only are they leaving their mark in the field of technology, but also in real estate, journalism, literature, and entertainment. They run some of the most successful small businesses and lead a few of the largest corporations. Valuable lessons can be learned from their various successes.

    According to the 2000 Census, the median household income of Indians was $70,708�far above the national median of $50,046. An Asian-American hospitality industry advocacy group says that Indians own 50% of all economy lodging and 37% of all hotels in the U.S. AnnaLee Saxenian, a dean and professor at University of California, Berkeley, estimates that in the late 1990s, close to 10% of technology startups in Silicon Valley were headed by Indians.

    You'll find Indian physicians working in almost every hospital as well as running small-town practices. Indian journalists hold senior positions at major publications, and Indian faculty have gained senior appointments at most universities. Last month, Indra Nooyi, an Indian woman, was named CEO of PepsiCo (PEP ) (see, 8/14/06, "PepsiCo Shakes It Up").

    A MODEST EXPLANATION. Census data show that 81.8% of Indian immigrants arrived in the U.S. after 1980. They received no special treatment or support and faced the same discrimination and hardship that any immigrant group does. Yet, they learned to thrive in American society. Why are Indians such a model immigrant group?

    In the absence of scientific research, I'll present my own reasons for why this group has achieved so much. As an Indian immigrant myself, I have had the chance to live the American dream. I started two successful technology companies and served on the boards of several others. To give back, I co-founded the Carolinas chapter of a networking group called The Indus Entrepreneurs and mentored dozens of entrepreneurs.

    Last year, I joined Duke University as an executive-in-residence to share my business experience with students (see, 9/14/05, "Degrees of Achievement") and research how the U.S. can maintain its global competitive advantage (see, 7/10/06, "Engineering Gap? Fact and Fiction").

    1. Education. The Census Bureau says that 63.9% of Indians over 25 hold at least a bachelor's degree, compared with the national average of 24.4%. Media reports routinely profile graduates from one Indian college�the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). This is a great school, but most successful Indians I know aren't IIT graduates. Neither are the doctors, journalists, motel owners, or the majority of technology executives. Their education comes from a broad range of colleges in India and the U.S. They believe that education is the best way to rise above poverty and hardship.

    2. Upbringing. For my generation, what was most socially acceptable was to become a doctor, engineer, or businessperson. Therefore, the emphasis was on either learning science or math or becoming an entrepreneur.

    3. Hard work. With India's competitive and rote-based education system, children are forced to spend the majority of their time on their schooling. For better or for worse, it's work, work, and more work for anyone with access to education.

    4. Determination to overcome obstacles. In a land of over a billion people with a corrupt government, weak infrastructure, and limited opportunities, it takes a lot to simply survive, let alone get ahead. Indians learn to be resilient, battle endless obstacles, and make the most of what they have. In India, you're on your own and learn to work around the problems that the state and society create for you.

    5. Entrepreneurial spirit. As corporate strategist C.K. Prahalad notes in his interview with BusinessWeek's Pete Engardio (see, 1/23/06, "Business Prophet"), amidst the poverty, hustle, and bustle of overcrowded India is a "beehive of entrepreneurialism and creativity." After observing street markets, Prahalad says that "every individual is engaged in a business of some kind�whether it is selling single cloves of garlic, squeezing sugar cane juice for pennies a glass, or hauling TVs." This entrepreneurial sprit is something that most Indians grow up with.

    6. Recognizing diversity. Indians hold many ethnic, racial, gender, and caste biases. But to succeed, they learn to overlook or adapt these biases when necessary. There are six major religions in India, and the Indian constitution recognizes 22 regional languages. Every region in the country has its own customs and character.

    7. Humility. Talk to almost any immigrant, regardless of origin, and he will share stories about leaving social status behind in his home country and working his way up from the bottom of the ladder in his adopted land. It's a humbling process, but humility is an asset in entrepreneurship. You learn many valuable lessons when you start from scratch and work your way to success.

    8. Family support/values. In the absence of a social safety net, the family takes on a very important role in Indian culture. Family members provide all kinds of support and guidance to those in need.

    9. Financial management. Indians generally pride themselves on being fiscally conservative. Their businesses usually watch every penny and spend within their means.

    10. Forming and leveraging networks. Indians immigrants found that one of the secrets to success was to learn from those who had paved the trails (see, 6/6/05, "Ask for Help and Offer It").

    Some examples: Successful Indian technologists in Silicon Valley formed an organization called The Indus Entrepreneurs to mentor other entrepreneurs and provide a forum for networking. TiE is reputed to have helped launch hundreds of startups, some of which achieved billions in market capitalization. This was a group I turned to when I needed help.

    Top Indian journalists and academics created the South Asian Journalists Association (SAJA) to provide networking and assistance to newcomers. SAJA runs journalism conferences and workshops, and provides scholarships to aspiring South-Asian student journalists.

    In the entertainment industry, fledgling filmmakers formed the South Asian American Films and Arts Association (SAAFA). Their mission is the promotion of South Asian cinematic and artistic endeavors, and mentoring newcomers.

    11. Giving back. The most successful entrepreneurs I know believe in giving back to the community and society that has given them so much opportunity. TiE founders invested great effort to ensure that their organization was open, inclusive, and integrated with mainstream American society. Their No. 1 rule was that their charter members would give without taking. SAJA officers work for top publications and universities, yet they volunteer their evenings and weekends to run an organization to assist newcomers.

    12. Integration and acceptance. The Pew Global Attitudes Project, which conducts worldwide public opinion surveys, has shown that Indians predominantly hold favorable opinions of the U.S. When Indians immigrate to the U.S, they usually come to share the American dream and work hard to integrate.

    Indians have achieved more overall business success in less time in the U.S. than any other recent immigrant group. They have shown what can be achieved by integrating themselves into U.S. society and taking advantage of all the opportunities the country offers.

    Wadhwa, the founder of two software companies, is an Executive-in-Residence/Adjunct Professor at Duke University. He is also the co-founder of TiE Carolinas, a networking and mentoring group.

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  • chisinau
    07-23 04:40 AM
    fruity, I agree with the thread:
    There will be retro again with steady, small movement each months...
    advantages: predictability
    disadvantages: deep retrogression and realy slow movement of PD:(

    But nobody knows for sure what will be in October 2007...


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  • snathan
    08-12 04:19 PM
    I believe that small companies have a big impact too. As someone mentioned, check to see which companies filed GCs in the last 10 years....Infy, TCS or Small body shops?

    The notion of H1/L1B is the business not able to find any qualified or willing resource locally. In that case why they are not able/willing to file GC for those guys. Since they want to keep them as slaves...they never file.

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  • GooblyWoobly
    08-11 02:01 AM
    I think the monday deadline makes sense. See, USCIS said they are going to issue the receipting update every week. Last week's update said, 7/1/2007 for EB cases at Nebraska. How would you think it would look if, after a whole week, USCIS issues another update, with the same date. Embarrassing, Eh?

    So, since they have to issue the update on Friday, they put this deadline. However, they probably realize that it's not possible for them to issue receipts of all July 2nd filers by Friday, so, they move the internal deadline to Monday. That's probably the reason they did not issue a receipting update today.

    Just putting two and two together.


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  • eb3_2004
    07-23 03:57 PM
    That gives me some hope..My PD is EB3 India Oct 2004...I am filing 485 now..hope I get GC in 2 years from now!!!!

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  • h1techSlave
    03-04 12:31 PM
    I am NSC EB3-I 2003 PD - no change. The status remains the same.


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  • yabadaba
    08-08 04:02 PM
    please guys just write as many as you i pm'ed piece was touchy feely, because i wanted it that way. He suggested some additions to add contributions of immigrants/details of retrogression but I declined cos i felt the touchy feeliness (so to speak) would be diluted.

    the more number of op/eds we have, the more they can have an ongoing set of articles that can flow to the news media. Momentum!

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  • eb3_nepa
    07-15 12:00 AM
    ABout $700 or so in the day. Not a bad start.

    We need to keep the pressure and the momentum going guys. Keep the high fives coming :)

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  • bala50
    04-30 04:07 PM
    Whatever question you ask -- they will blame it on the summer 2007 surge.

    Summary - "Dont expect any improvemnt in USCIS processing for atleast the next two years " -- Mr. Aytes

    hmmmm.. they ran out of questions. We should have supplied them with the questions and they would have had to stay up all night just to get through the question we can come up in 1 hr!!!!!

    06-16 02:30 PM
    No contributions today?

    Wake up folks!

    08-02 04:23 PM
    i am a 2nd july filer, my cheques were cashed today. filed at nebraska

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