Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • GCVictim
    02-18 02:58 PM
    Looks like they doesn't want to move GC Dates. President has to give green signal to pass this. I don't know when will happen this.

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  • mantric
    06-25 05:13 AM
    buddy you're the one sounding the most desparate here.

    if all you wanted was a large tv, car, house you could have it anywhere in the world. is that all you came to America for ? is that why you walked the line for years ? if you just wanted a laid back existence you could forget the gc and relax in Tanzania. i think you just desperately want to believe you already have it all. good for you. but then why so perturbed if someone disturbs your illusions... no ... your reality ?

    people come to America out of a hunger for limitless opportunities.
    many people rightly feel they could do give back much more to this country if they had their freedom. sorry if you're not one of them. after you get your gc you might just vegetate for the rest of your life with the material comforts you've gathered.

    do you have any idea how many companies are started by immigrants ? how many jobs created ? how many dollars are raised ? how many high risk startups are fuelled by immigrants ? here's a clue -
    oh just half a trillion dollars and just a quarter million jobs.

    would Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs have been able to even get a eb-xyz GC based on their qualifications ? none of them they would qualify even for eb3 - none of them even have college degrees. so much for this eb3/eb2 nonsense. btw the last two are sons of immigrants. maybe the bureucracy here labels you eb1/eb2/eb3 for its convenince - it'll be sad if we actually start believing it - not just for us but for america and the world. the USCIS bureacracy is NOT what defines america. in fact most americans themselves think it's one of the worst run govt organizations.

    the biggest irony of course is that what actually defines america is in in fact ... immigration! a breaking away from the mold of artificial bureaucratic limitations of the old world.

    but as they say - be careful what you wish for - that may be exactly what you get.

    to the original poster: your question is unnecessarily posed in the negative. a better question would be, what does American gain from recent immigration ? a hint. the answer is not mortgages or uscis receipt fees.

    Peace out!!!

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  • aquarianf
    08-26 01:25 PM
    I'm looking for homeloan options in India. Which bank would be good to apply for home loans.
    Was thinking about ICICI bank but got scared after going through the other thread about how ICICI bank is into stealing.
    I would appreciate it if anyone can give me few suggestions on this.

    Thank you.

    As many members posted, avoid ICICI. When you apply for loan, they will come to you and lick your feet and will do all sorts of promise about services. But after you take loan, you won't find same level of service.

    But whatever bank you decide to go with, DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. It is not safe at all in their hand. Some banks requires SSN and some don't. ICICI requires SSN and credit report authorization. Negotiate with them. We negotiated with them and refused to give them social security number. We generated credit report ourselves and crossed out SSN and all account numbers from it properly. We did the same thing with other documents ie paystubs etc.

    We have two home loans one with ICICI and another with SBI. We have better experience with SBI. My parents are power of attorney holder and they mostly deal with bank and according to them SBI is much better then ICICI do deal with locally. We have now decided to prepay our loan with ICICI in next 6 months in full.


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  • chisinau
    08-02 04:27 AM
    Does anyone know the answer wheather they are proceding our DS230 till 17 of August, or next summer we should submit DS230 one more time, and this will last forever???

    My attorney is just useless, maybe your lawers have information about it...
    Or there is a way how we can check the status of our DS230, maybe on-line or by phone?

    All usefull information appreciated!


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  • krithi
    02-18 06:01 PM
    haha nice

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  • pappu
    06-04 12:47 PM
    Yeah, my lawyer said once my LC approves he'll file I-140/I-485 together? I'm EB2 Sri Lanka
    You should discuss the risks involved in concurrent filing with your lawyer too. In some circumstances if I140 is likely to face hurdles, you should wait for your I140 approval. This is just a caution. Each case is different.


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  • bomber
    07-20 01:16 PM
    I think you can also switch using your H1-B. You can still invoke Ac21 on H1-B, just that EAD makes it easier to find new employers.
    moreover, you will now have to spend approx 4K on H1 renewals every year.

    I can see how it will affect many people's (including mine) spouses job prospects.

    Assuming it takes longer than 12 months, what are the options here? I would like to understand what AC21 says. Is having an EAD a precondition of using the AC21 provision i.e. does it say -
    "an employee after 6 months of filing 485 AND having an EAD in hand can switch jobs"

    or does it say

    "6 months after filing 485, the employee can switch"


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  • ajay
    03-17 10:29 PM
    But again, the thing to know about this stimulus package/rebate is that this is not FREE money; it is merely an advance on your 2008 tax return. Remember that and think twice before you spend it foolishly. Better still, send it to IV, contribute to an IRA or fund your kid's 529 plan.
    What you said is not right according to the following IRS FAQ:
    Q. Will the payment I receive in 2008 reduce my 2008 refund or increase the amount I owe for 2008?

    A. No, the stimulus payment will not reduce your refund or increase the amount you owe when you file your 2008 return.
    Courtesy by the link:,,id=179181,00.html


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  • tinamatthew
    07-20 09:18 PM
    If you are stuck at Atlanta PERM backlog center , please email your case number and explain them that your application has been pending for a LONG time and request them to help us get out of this grave situation. Also, please post on this thread after you have sent an email so that others can be motivated to do the same. We need to send as many emails as possible to get any positive feedback. I know that DOL mentioned that they will start processing our applications soon, but we need to keep up the pressure from our end so that it has some positive effect.

    I know most of the people on this forum are not in this situation ..... but let's see how many can come out of this selfishness and help others by emailing / phoning DOL Atlanta to help other brothers who want to file AOS just like them...... When phone campaigns / email campaigns happen .... we who are stuck at Atlanta help others tooo... so let's see how many on this form help us now...

    Here is the info :
    email :
    Phone : 404-893-0101

    Champak (Same as 1 and 2)

    I am not in this situation (schedule A), but I would love to call. Do you think it is ok to call without a case number?

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  • ChalapathiChitturi
    12-27 03:27 AM
    My case is not yet approved, I Filed on Aug 01 st, Vermont Service Center.

    Can you really go for H1 stamping when you are coming back on AP.
    As far as I know, you should not use H1 at port of entry while coming back, if you do that your green card will be aboundend. Gurus please currect.

    If you are not coming back on H1, then why are you going for stamping?


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  • tinamatthew
    07-21 05:44 PM
    Hi Tina,

    Do you know any employer or recruiting agency (in NY) who can help sponsoring physical therapists for 140 & 485.

    I got a NY work permit and got my crdentials evaluated but unfortunately that emplyer is no longer having job vacancy. Now I am stuck and don't know if I can get benefit from some other employer.

    Any input would be greatly helpful.

    Hi GC

    Are you EB2/EB3?
    Did your previous employer put up the notice for 10 business days?
    Are you willing to relocate if you don't find a sponsor in NY. Time is not on our side if you are EB3.
    Even if you found an employer who is willing to sponsor you now, you still have the problem of the 40 day poster.

    Let me know.

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  • hebbar77
    09-11 08:53 PM
    I am in . What do we do. flowers with calculators or a simple math book seems a good idea.


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  • pshah177
    09-11 04:05 PM
    Can't make it to the rally, but here's my minuscule contribution...

    Google Order #652610300768677

    Good luck to us all. IV has been a great community so far...

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  • gonecrazyonh4
    08-10 11:25 AM
    We still haven't got ours, wondering if others have got it or are still waiting like us. No info on check cashed too.


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  • sweet23guyin
    11-29 11:47 PM
    Myself (primary applicant) and my spouse are on h1 with EADs. If spouse starts a company(issue checks and do all admin work) and still maintain her h1 with old employer, will it invalidate her h1 just because she used EAD? Reason for asking is if some thing goes wrong with 485, can she fall back on h1?

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  • anujcb
    03-09 10:47 AM
    indio, which title are they ralking abt? right now?


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  • coopheal
    05-04 06:31 AM
    call a few senator offices yesterday. they are saying since bill is not yet introduced, they do not have any position on the bill.

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  • insbaby
    08-13 04:45 PM
    EB-3 won't need help when everyone else is done because the only people left to allocate visas would be EB-3 only . I guess we are just in for a long long wait.

    That situation never occur. EB2 is going to be always filled up. No one is going to apply in EB3 in future and all in EB2, so all will go to EB1,EB2.

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  • pcs
    07-05 10:17 AM
    I will email it you. Send me a PM

    Actual copy of WSJ & Congresswoman made all the difference in the reaction of the office staff

    09-10 09:01 PM
    Then there's no point in being a member of IV.

    When we've come together in an organized fashion, things have happened - although not as frequently and not to the exact extent that we've wanted.

    If you believe nothing will change - perhaps it's time to move on and stop logging on to IV forums and worrying yourself silly about this.

    If inaction and giving up is part of your nature, there's little help outside of therapy - no offense meant.

    If we can continue to organize and keep working towards the goals, perhaps some headway can be made. Those who spearheaded such efforts knew it wasn't a sprint to the finish.

    Question much pushing would be needed when v very well know that whatever noise v make is never to be heard ???

    08-23 11:06 AM
    No dear friend...what if you are already inside this country and waiting for 10 years. Even if you become a manager in these companies, you wont be eligible as you had to have at least one year outside the country. So progressing not going to help. How about a person who is less qualified, less experienced getting GC in six months when you wait for 5-10 years. Its not about jealous, its about fairness and justice. Dont bring in EB2-EB3 here. We are all in this sh*&t togather.

    At the end of the day what matters is you have an option open via this route. It is your personal choice if you would rather wait here 10 years or work in your home country for 1 year. Why shut a door that's meant for you? Opportunity is very hard to come by

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